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Magic Realism
Figurative Language and Magical Realism in Latin A, Gabriel García Márquez and Magical Realism, Magical Realism, Young Mexican writers bid farewell to magical real
A visible Past
Anthology of Poems on the Prehispanic Art of Mexico.
A Writer on the Edge
An article, by Beatriz Sarlo. Concludes, in short, that there is no writer in Argentine literature more Argentine than Jorge Luis Borges.
An archaeology of the Boom
A resource page with related articles about the works of Jorge Luis Borges, Alejo Carpentier, Juan Rulfo, Carlos Fuentes, Julio Cortázar, Gabriel García Márquez and Manuel Puig.
Anthology of Spanish Poetry
Several poems and interesting information about Spanish grammar and phonetics.
Argentine Literature
Ricardo Güiraldes's novel, "Don Segundo Sombra". Overview and a passage translated from Spanish to English language.
Argentine Literature History
Several web pages covering the period 1810-1990.
At Home Abroad
The little-known field of Jewish Latin American Literature, an essay by Stephen Sadow.
Ayvu Membyre
"Offspring of the Distant World", poetry in Guarani, Spanish and English by Susy Delgado.
Biblioteca Virtual Freyre
Americanism and Latinity in Latin America: increasing interdependence and decreasing separateness, an essay by Gilberto Freyre.
Brazilian Cultural Page
Provides English resources for books, writers and articles from Brazil.
Cervantes and the Modern Latin American Narrative
An essay by Roberto González Echevarría examines how the Quijote has been re-written in Latin America and Cervantes as a figure of the author is more important than Don Quijote the character, in contrast to Spain.
Cesar Vallejo: the poet, the militant, the communi
A short analysis of Cesar Vallejo's career and an interview done to Miguel Gutierrez Correa about the author.
Change of Paradigm?
The new Latin American theatre and the constitution of theatrical post modernity, by Alfonso de Toro.
Complete Review of Latin and South American Litera
Index of Latin and South American Literature under review, organized by author, title, genre and national origin.
Dalkey Archive Press: Interview with Carlos Fuente
Travails with Time: An Interview with Carlos Fuentes By Debra A. Castillo
El Sur del Sur
Argentinean literature history, from 1810 to 1990.
Essays, Plays, Poems, and Translations
Contains "Literature and Revolution" by Fernando Alegria. An essay about the authenticity of experimentation, innovation and the revolutionary dynamism of existing Hispano American narrative.
Famous Hispanic writers
A short list of some famous Hispanic writers with their biographies and links to related pages.
Famous Hispanic writers
A short list of some famous Hispanic writers with their biographies and links to related pages.
First Light
An Anthology of Paraguayan Women Writers translated to English by Susan Smith Nash.
Genre Fiction
Information and links on genre fiction in Mexico and Latin America. Includes print and online magazines.
Guides to Latin American Studies
Sources for the study of Latin American Language and Literature, general bibliographies and electronic databases. By University of California, Berkeley.
Selected Internet resources in the Literature of Spain and Portugal.
Highlights of Brazilian Literature
Brief information on each of the major writers of Brazil and their contributions.
International Poetry Festival in Medellín
The Festival spread its lectures of poems to streets, parks, bridges, popular quarters, emplacements for the out of place by the war, theaters, museums, universities, libraries, colleges, houses of the culture, taverns, metro stations, union-trade seats and cooperatives, factories, churches, jails and hospitals, all the lectures with free access and gratuitous to the public. Calendar, events and pictures.
Juan Rulfo, The Sound of Death
Death as a fundamental element in Rulfian stories, an essay by Angie Galicia.
Julio Cortazar, Hopscotch, Latin American Fiction,
Reading guides for Julio Cortazar and notes about his book "Hopscotch"
Latin American and Spanish Literature
General resources prepared by University of Kentucky.
Latin American Collection at Yale University
Guide to Latin American bibliography, literature, linguistics, journals, and general studies, organized by country.
Latin American Jewish Literature
A Bibliography of works published from 1996. Related sources about fiction, poetry, theater and film.
Latin American Literature at CSU
A topic guide prepared by Joanne Gass, Professor of English and Comparative Literature, California State University, Fullerton.
Latin American Literature at UA
A guide for finding sources at the University of Arizona Library.
Latin Poetry
Biographies and poetry translated into English of four writers: Piedad Bonnett, Gabriela Mistral, Pablo Neruda and César Vallejo.
Mayan Folktales
Five traditional stories in English translation as told by Don Pedro Miguel Say of Guatemala.
Mexican and Latin American Literature
Selected sources prepared by Laura M. Boyer, CSU Stanislaus Library.
Mexican Poetry at AnaMia
A personal compendium of poetry. Includes poems by Amado Nervo, Jaime Sabines, Octavio Paz, Alfonso Reyes e Isabel Freire.
NPR : Mexican Author Carlos Fuentes
Bob Edwards interviews Mexican author Carlos Fuentes about his new book, Inez. Some interesting links related to the book.
On Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude
The full text of a lecture at Malaspina College in 1995. Focuses on the following facets: magic realism, time as linear and circular history, the distinction of men and women, and its relation with Latin America.
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Intends to introduce Garcia Marquez and his major works, and it is dedicated specially to his masterpiece: One Hundred Years of Solitude.
Pages of Twentieth Century Mexican Poetry
An archive of modern Mexican poetry, with originals and translations into English.
Pulp Fiction "The Historieta"
The case of México. Archetypes and themes. The Historieta as an instrument of political propaganda, as well as a means of social communication and source of popular entertainment, by Sergio Ulloa
SAmericaWriters group
A virtual place for readers and writers interested in talking and trading information on South American writers.
A semiotics of film and literary fiction: classic, modern, and postmodern. By Lauro Zavala, Universidad Autónoma de México, UAM Xochimilco, Mexico City.
Some Ghostly Tales from South America
Overview of Magic Realists' short story art, written by Jessica Amanda Salmonson.
Spanish and Latin American literature
Study guide designed for the student of Spanish or Latin American literature. It is a selected list of resource materials available in the Howard-Tilton Memorial Library.
The Boom In Spanish American Literature: A persona
An overview of this Jose Donoso's book by Alexander Coleman.
The Internet: a Latin American Province
Based on his literary and cultural analysis, Roberto Hernández Montoya concludes that the Internet can be a Latin American province because its universal connections storm every frontier and place you everywhere and nowhere at the same time.
The Projection of Peronism in the contemporary Arg
Overview of her doctoral thesis realized by María José Punte, on Argentinean literature and the work of José Pablo Feinmann, Martín Caparrós, Jorge Andrade, Luisa Valenzuela, Carlos Gorostiza, Dalmiro Sáenz and Sergio Joselovsky.
The Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Project
An electronic edition of her complete works based on the text of Adolfo Méndez Plancarte and Alberto G. Salceda.
Tiras cómicas latinoamericanas
A sampling of Latin American comics, both Spanish and Portuguese, edited by Mark Rosenfelder.
Tribute to Ruben Dario
An extensive collection of poems by Ruben Dario.
Women in Latin American Literature
A selected list of narrative, poetry, drama and criticism by Latin American women.
South American literature directory. Alphabetical listing of online literary resources organized by country and author name.