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Cheerful Girls and Willing Boys: Old and Young Bod
Ian MacInnes suggests that 17th century medical experimentation in the transfusing of animal blood provides a basis for analyzing a literary work like Shakespeare's Sonnets.
Master F.W.D., R.I.P.
Essay by John M. Rollett, from the Fall 1997 Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter, addressing questions surrounding the Dedication in the Sonnets.
Shake-speare's Sonnets are Stratfordians&apos
by Joseph Sobran, first published in the Spring 1998 Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter.
Surpassing Glass: Shakespeare's Mirrors
Philippa Kelly examines the trope of mirrors in a variety of authors and works, including Shakespeare's sonnets.
The Art of Shakespeare's Sonnets
Article by Mark K. Anderson.
The Eternal Self in Shakespeare's Sonnets
Essay by Madeline Clarke.