Literature Network: Troilus and Cressida
Scene-indexed HTML of the complete text. Search feature, summary, and author information.
MIT: Troilus and Cressida
Scene-indexed HTML of the complete text.
Renaissance Dictionaries and Shakespeare's La
Mark Catt suggests that it is worthwhile to note instances where information gleaned from the EMEDD (Early Modern English Dictionaries Corpus) can supplement that of the OED (Oxford English Dictionary).
Shakespeare Literature: Troilus and Cressida
Scene-indexed and searchable.
The History of Troilus and Cressida
Full text of the play.
The Texts of Troilus and Cressida
W.L. Godshalk offers several hypotheses that concern the copy for the Folio text, the differences between the Quarto and the Folio, and the stage directions in the two texts.
Titles from Trolius and Cressida
A listing of book and play titles taken from Trolius and Cressida.
Troilus and Cressida
University of Virginia's electronic text center.
William Shakespeare info: Troilus and Cressida
Full text, plot summary, first performances, and quotes.