A She Or Not a She... That Is the Question for Sha
"Fresh light has been thrown on William Shakespeare's sexual orientation by the discovery of a previously unknown portrait of the playwright's patron, Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of Southampton - apparently dressed as a woman." Article from Guardian Unlimited Observer which includes the portrait in PDF format.
A. C. Bradley's Shakespearean Tragedy
Complete text of the classic of criticism. Includes author information.
Allreaders William Shakespeare Spotlight
Short reviews of selected plays.
Allusions to Edmund Campion in Twelfth Night
A discussion of Shakespeare's politics by C. Richard Desper.
Alternative Shakespeares Volume 2
Mark Dooley reviews the Terence Hawkes book.
An Internet Shakespeare
A paper written by Michael Best of the University of Victoria.
English Drama 1586-1642: The Age of Shakespeare
Glen Mynott reviews the G.K. Hunter book.
Hamlet: The Undiscovered Country by Steve Roth
Book discussing unresolved issues in the play.
Jews in Shakespeare
Resources about Jews in Elizabethan England and its literature.
Leavis on Shelley and Shakespeare
A brief comparison of some lines from Shelly's The Cenci with lines from Measure for Measure.
Materialist Shakespeare: A History
David Siar reviews the Ivo Kamps book.
Poetry and the Realm of Politics: Shakespeare to D
Robert C. Evans reviews the Howard Erskine-Hill book.
Representing Shakespeare: England, History and the
Michael Scott reviews the Robert Shaughnessy book.
SAA Essay on HyperCriticism:
Considers the implications of writing critically about Shakespeare in hyperspace.
SAA Hyperessay on Electronic Shakespearean Critici
by Laurie Osborne.
Shakespeare and Freudian Theory
An investigation of Freud's theory and family relationships in Shakespeare, especially in Hamlet and Titus Andronicus.
Shakespeare and His Critics
A collection of critical essays ranging from 18th and 19th Century criticism of the plays, and descriptions of their performance, to works by his contemporaries.
Shakespeare and Renaissance Association
WVU's collection of selected papers (Vol 20).
Shakespeare and Renaissance Association
WVU's collection of selected papers (Vol 21).
Shakespeare in Connotations
Complete list of contributions to the first seven volumes. Highlighted articles and responses available online.
Shakespeare in Europe: Critical Texts in English a
William Shakespeare in European culture: critical essays, scholarly texts. A project of the English Department at Basel University. The study of cultures in contact. Uses of Shakespeare.
Shakespeare the Historian
David Hale reviews the Paola Pugliatti book.
Shakespeare the Player: A Life in the Theatre
A review of the John Southworth book.
Shakespeare, Spenser, and the Crisis in Ireland
Tracey Hill reviews two books: Shakespeare, Spenser, and the Crisis in Ireland, by Christopher Highley; Spenser's Irish Experience: Wilde Fruite and Salvage Soyl, Andrew Hadfield.
Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human
Robert Atwan reviews Harold Bloom's controversial book. Originally published in the February/March 1999 issue of Boston Review.
Shaksper: Global Shakespeare Conference
Provides reference materials, new papers, a listserv, and scholarly critism on new works.
The Biblical Presence in Shakespeare, Milton and B
Thomas Rist reviews the Harold Fisch book.
The Genius of Shakepeare
Provides reviews of Jonathon Bates' book by readers.
The Public-Domain Shakespeare
A paper by Ian Lancashire of the Department of English University of Toronto.
The Secret of Shakespeare's Irish Sympathies
by Charles Wisner Barrell.
The Shakespearean Marriage: Merry Wives and Heavy
Anita Pacheco reviews the Lisa Hopkins book.
Was Shakespeare an Atheist?
We will never know. You can find hints that he may have been, or at least that he wasn't totally fond of religion and its orthodox practitioners, from his plays.
William Shakespeare the Upstart Crow
Provides details of the attack on the Bard by Robert Greene in his pamphlet the Groatsworth of Wit, which was published in 1592.