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About: Shakespeare
Articles, FAQs, quotations, student resources.
Ayako-fied Shakespeare
A line-by-line conversion of the works into Modern English. Includes soliloquies, vocabulary, and brief summaries.
Explore the World of Literature: William Shakespea
Character analyses, summaries, and quotations from Romeo and Juliet; A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Shake Sphere
Study guide, plot summaries, background, themes.
Plot summaries, character's relationships. Visitors choose from three possible website themes.
Shakespeare and the Globe: Then and Now
Study guides for the plays; background on theaters, actors, and characters.
Shakespeare in Cyberspace
Character lists and plot summaries.
Shakespeare Navigators
Study guides. Includes summaries, character reviews, and theme analyses.
Shakespeare Online
Character analysis, plot synopsis, sonnets, sources used by Shakespeare.
Shakespeare Reviews
Reviews and plot summaries of selected plays.
Surfing with the Bard
Public discussion, student guides to selected plays, and links to other resources.
Ten Sonnets by Shakespeare
Glosses of 10 sonnets by Shakespeare. Photo illustrated.
The Shakespeare Revue
Full text to the plays; short synopsis of each play.