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25 Reasons Why Bacon is Hamlet
Compares plot incidents from Hamlet to Bacon's life.
Authorship Analysis (Contents)
Francis Bacon as Shakespeare.
Bacon is Shakespeare
A weblog devoted to the Baconian position.
Bacon: Manes Translation
The translation is intended to offer proof of Bacon's poetic skills.
Baconian Evidence for Shakespeare Authorship
Summarizes the evidence that argues Sir Francis Bacon wrote Shakespeare's works.
Chronology Related to Francis Bacon's Life
Chronology of Bacon's life, mingling known facts with suppositions that he was a son of Queen Elizabeth and Robert Dudley, Earl of Essex.
Durning Lawrence Library - The Bacon-Shakespeare A
General background on the Baconist theory, and links to related scholarly works.
Francis Bacon Research Trust
Essay by Peter Dawkins arguing in favor of Bacon.
Francis Bacon Signatures in the Shakespeare Works
Argues that Bacon's signature is hidden in Shakespeare's works.
Francis Bacon, Last of the Tudors
A 1921 work by Amelie Deventer Von Kunow that analyzes the plays attributed to Shakespeare, and argues that Bacon was the true author.
Looking For Shakespeare - 91.10
The controversy briefly covered in "The Atlantic Monthly".
Mystery of Francis Bacon
Uses typography to argue that Bacon wrote Shakespeare's works.
Penn Leary's Baconian Site
An introduction to a cipher system found in the works of William Shakespeare.
Shake-n-Bacon: An Authorship Analysis
Francis Bacon as Shake-speare. A scholarly pastiche.
Shakespeare, Bacon and the Great Unknown by Lang
Ebook downloadable in several formats.
Shakespeare: Authorship Bibliography
Selected sources dealing with the question of authorship.
Shakespeare? Bacon? Who wrote the Works?
Uses mathmatics to argue that Bacon wrote Shakespeare's works.
Sir Francis Bacon's New Advancement of Learni
Seeks to prove how and why Sir Francis Bacon wrote the works. With links.
Sir George and his Bacon-Shakespeare Interests
An account of Sir George Trevelyan by Peter Dawkins.
Templeman Library Special Collections: Crow on Bac
List of holdings on the Bacon-Shakespeare authorship question.
The Bacon-Shakespeare Essays of Mather Walker
Ancient wisdom themes are discussed, with additional essays on Shakespeare authorship.
The Infinite Book Navigation
A survey of candidates, mostly dealing with Bacon.
The Philosophy of Wonder
Excerpt from the book by Robert Theobald, which locates the Baconian philosophy in Shakespeare's works.
The Shakespeare-Bacon Theory
Analysis of the theory that the plays of William Shakespeare were actually written under pseudonym by Lord Chancellor Francis Bacon.
The Shakespeare/Bacon Controversy
Excerpt from an interview with Arthur M. Young, who gives an example of the cipher code as applied to Shakespeare's works.
The Stars of Destiny: Bacon and Shakespeare
Kathie Garcia argues in favor of Bacon.