(Renaissance Drama) Backgrounds and Contexts
Student projects for a class on Renaissance Drama, including papers on Ben Jonson, Thomas Kyd and John Webster.
Collaboration, Authorship, and Sexualities in Rena
Review of Jeffrey Masten's Textual Intercourse, on collaboration in renaissance drama.
Dr Matthew Steggle
Syllabus on revenge tragedy, with essay questions and links.
Elizabethan Stage Scenery
By Eva Turner Clark. Originally published in the October 1941 Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (American Branch).
Inwardness and Theater in the English Renaissance
Review of Katharine Eisman Maus's work on subjectivity and interiority in Renaissance literature.
Poculi Ludique Societas
Sponsors of productions of early English drama from the Medieval period to the 17th century.
Records of Early English Drama Project
Web resources for theatre history, with annotated links arranged by subject.
Records of Early English Drama: Somerset. (Includi
Review of James Stokes, ed. Records of Early English Drama: Somerset.
Rose Theatre
Discusses the 1999 reopening of the Rose Theatre, venue for the plays of Marlowe, Kyd, Jonson and Shakespeare.
The Stage Designs of Inigo Jones: The European Con
Review of John Peacock's work on Jones's achievement.