Golding, William
Works, William Golding, Nobel Laureate William Golding, Universal Pessimist, Cosmic Optimist
Hornby, Nick
Works, Guardian Unlimited Books: Nick Hornby, McSweeney's: Nick Hornby, Penguin UK: Nick Hornby, "About a Writer", Wikipedia: Nick Hornby
Winterson, Jeanette
Bonded by Language, The Jeanette Winterson Reader's Site, Winterson, Jeanette
Ashe, Wellesley St George
Includes short stories, poems and drawings.
Beauman, Sally
Profile of the writer and introduction to Rebecca's Tale.
Carpenter, Edward: Poet and Prophet
Ernest Crosby's 1905 book assessing Carpenter's poetry, prose and philosophy, with an additional review of his Days with Whitman.
Caudwell, Christopher
Pen name of Christopher St. John Sprigg. Extract from Marxism and the Philosophy of Science: A Critical History by Helena Sheehan.
Crowden, James
Information on his books, poetry, articles and performances.
Crowned Anarchist
Poetry texts and information on members of the Writers' Guild of Great Britain. Also deals with relativity and science fiction.
de Botton, Alain
Official site of the author and television presenter, with information on his works, details of readings and photographs.
Duncan, Ronald
Archive of the writer and librettist Ronald Duncan. Includes access to manuscript collection at Plymouth University's Exmouth campus.
Ford Madox Ford Society
The organisation's recent and future activities, publications and membership information.
Gibbons, Stella
By the author's nephew and biographer. Biography, information on her works and bibliography.
Johnson, B.S.
A look into the life and times of the author, with biographies, works and comment.
Morgan, Stanley
Devoted to the actor and author of a number of series of farcical, ladies-man novels. Information on each book and pictures of covers.
Padel, Ruth
Includes a short biography of the poet, as well as her publications.
Viertel, Peter
Biography and bibliography of the writer.