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A and E Classroom, Bartleby, Bartleby.com - Sir Walter Scott, Classic Bookshelf: Sir Walter Scott, Free Online Library - Scott, Walter, Ivanhoe, A Romance by Sir Walter Scott, Literature Network: Ivanhoe, Literature Network: The Talisman, My Aunt Margaret's Mirror, Quotations of Sir Walter Scott
About Sir Walter Scott
Brief biography, links, and forums.
Bartleby.com: Sir Walter Scott
Etexts of Scott's prose and poetry, together with a biography and encyclopedia article.
Graduate Course: Nineteenth-Century Medievalism
Syllabus for a course on 19th Century Medievalism by Professor D. F. Felluga of Purdue, covering Scott's Ivanhoe among others, with topics for discussion or research.
Legends - Shake Loose the Border
Includes links to texts of The Antiquary, The Black Dwarf, The Bride of Lammermoor, Chronicles of the Canongate, The Heart of Mid-Lothian, Ivanhoe, The Keepsake Stories, The Lay of the Last Minstrel, A Legend of Montrose, Rob Roy, The Talisman and Waverley.
Letitia Elizabeth Landon: Sample Texts
Articles on Scott's major heroines by Landon.
Sir WaIter Scott Overview
Brief discussion of Scott's life and publishing practices.
Sir Walter Scott and the South
Essay on the influence of Scott's works before the Civil War.
Sir Walter Scott at Catharton Authors
Brief biography and message board devoted to the celebrated Scottish author.
The Walter Scott Digital Archive
Biography, works, image database, and information on collections at the Edinburgh University Library.
The Wreck of the Walter Scott
Mark Twain's views on Sir Walter Scott's influence in the pre-Civil War South as expressed in Life on the Mississippi and Huckleberry Finn.