english deutsch
Edwards, Zena
57 Productions: Zena Edwards, BBC: Womad 2004 - World Wide Unplugged, Poetry Society News: Zena Edwards
Eminescu, Mihai
Eminescu, Mihai, Life and Literary Work
Eshleman, Clayton
Electronic Poetry Center: Clayton Eshleman, PoetrySociety.org, Poets.org: Clayton Eshleman
Espada, Martin
Christian Science Monitor: Martin Espada, Modern American Poetry: Martin Espada, Poets.org: Martin Espada
Ebert, G - Maverick Poet
Selected poems and prose from his book "Thoughts of a Man."
Emanuel, James
Provides a brief biography of the Alliance, Nebraska-born poet.
A bibliography on the works of this expatriate African-American poet, author, and professor of English.