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About.com: Poetry by Deaf and Hard of Hearing Peop
Portal features links to works expressing the poets' feelings and experiences with hearing loss.
ASL Poetry
An introduction and history of the genera written by Dr. Clayton Valli of Georgetown University.
Children of an Expressive God
Essay by Karl Young describes how rhythm, balance and surprise can be achieved without sound.
Deaf Poetry
Features works by Tate DeCaro and Gil Eastman.
Deaf Poetry
Features links to collections and essays on the genera.
Deaf Poetry: Expressions from the Heart
Deaf World Ministries offers a list of Christian and secular works by various poets.
Poems about Deafness
Archive features a collection of works linked by title and author.
Poems Relatetd to the Deaf Experience
Archive features works linked by title.
Poetry by Deaf and Hard of Hearing People
Works by deaf and hard of hearing people, expressing their feelings and experiences with hearing loss.
Poetry from Wild Tigers
A collection written by deaf students from Bancroft Middle School and Fairfax High School of Los Angeles, California. Published in March-April 1998 issue of the World Around You magazine.
Poetry of the Inner Ear
Article describes how poet Zohra Moosa uses her work to break down barriers between the hearing and the deaf.