Bizarre Science
A look back at the future. Including blue prints, plans and links for the construction of intelligent androids and robots.
Bob Lazar Corner
Tom Mahood examines Robert Scott Lazar's claims of having worked on a top-secret anti-matter-powered, gravity-distorting UFO project.
Foresight Institute
The Foresight Institute's goal is to guide emerging technologies (especially nanotechnology) to improve the human condition.
Geoffrey A. Landis
In addition to writing SF, Mr. Landis also does scientific research for NASA and the Ohio Aerospace Institute.
Quantum Teleportation
An article about the teleportation of particles using Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entanglement.
sci.astro FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions list for the Usenet newsgroup sci.astro. Includes sections on time, astrophysics, the solar system, extraterrestrial life, stars, galaxies, and a list of often-used acronyms. Weird Science Library
Articles on strange and weird science. Includes chickens being genetically modified to breath underwater, and plans to launch starships by blowing up atom bombs underneath them.
Space Future
Pro-space exploration group. Includes an archive of space tourism work, with information on vehicles, tourism and star-drives.
The Official Time Travel Forum
Discusses aspects of time travel such as worm holes, black holes, and time travel in the media.
Time Travel Message Board
Discuss the philosophical and physical ramifications of time travel, paradoxes, parallel universes, and related topics.
Ultimate Biospheres
An explanation of the concept of the Dyson sphere.