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Bibliography of James Tiptree, Jr. a.k.a. Alice Sh
Fiction, non-fiction, and criticism.
James Tiptree, Jr.
Biography of the author, with bibliography, links, and book covers.
James Tiptree, Jr. Award
Official site of the Award, which is given to the work of science fiction or fantasy published in one year which best explores or expands gender roles.
Love was the Plan, The Plan Was . . .
A remembrance of James Tiptree, Jr. By Mark Siegal.
Meet Me at Infinity
Reviews of Jeffrey Smith's collection of Tiptree's previously uncollected fiction and non-fiction.
Meet Me At Infinity by James Tiptree, Jr.
A posthumous collection of eight stories and thirty-six essays and letters, reviewed by Steven H. Silver.
The Girl Who Was Plugged In
Episode of "Welcome to Paradox", based on the story by Janes Tiptree, Jr.
Yahoo! Groups: Worlds of James Tiptree
Online club for the discussion of the life, death, and works of James Tiptree, Jr.