english deutsch
Avidus Weyr
A Twelfth Pass play-by-email club, non-AIVAS.
Azov Weyr
An Eleventh Pass play-by-email club, non-AIVAS.
Big River Weyr
A Sixth Pass play-by-email club.
Black River Weyr
A play-by-email club.
Caladin Weyr
A Fourteenth Pass play-by-email club, post-AIVAS.
Caral Weyr
A Tenth Pass play-by-email club, post-AVIAS.
Cibryen Weyr
Alternative Ninth Pass Weyr.
Dark Cove Weyr
A Fourteenth Pass play-by-email club.
Dark Fort Weyr
This Pern PBeM has a darker style than most, and runs in the Arolos timeline.
An Eleventh Pass play-by-email club, non-AIVAS.
Dawnsisters Weyrhold
A Ninth Pass play-by-email club, post-AIVAS.
Dragon's Moon Weyr
A play-by-email club.
A Ninth Pass play-by-email club, non-AIVAS.
DragonRiders of Pern: Hollow Peak Weyr
Alternate Ninth Pass play-by-email club, non-AIVAS, set on the Islands of the inland sea of the Southern continent.
Play-by-email (PBeM) club based in the world of Pern, from the works of Anne McCaffrey - their main focus is on the 'Dragonriders of Pern' series.
Draigh Weyr
A Seventh Pass play-by-email club.
Eyre Sea Weyr
An Eleventh Pass live role play club.
Fiery Gate Weyr
A Tenth Pass play-by-email club, post-AIVAS.
Fort Hold
A fanzine club set in a Hold rather than a Weyr.
Fort Weyr
A Ninth Pass fanzine club.
Fort Weyr, 10th Pass
A Tenth Pass fanzine club.
Fort Weyr, 13th Pass
A Thirteenth Pass play-by-email club, non-AIVAS, with live role play.
Free Falling Weyr
A Fifth Pass play-by-email club.
Gold Dust Weyr
An Eleventh Pass play-by-email club.
Golden Gate Weyr
A Twelfth Pass play-by-email club, non-AIVAS.
Great Bay Weyr
An Eleventh Interval play-by-email club.
Green Crater Weyr
8th pass rogue Weyr; a free e-mail RPG, based on the Pern books created by Anne McCaffrey.
High Reaches Weyr
A Twelfth Pass fanzine club, post-AIVAS.
Hopehaven Weyr
A Fifteenth Pass fanzine and play-by-email club, non-AIVAS.
Igen Weyr 14
A Thirteenth Interval play-by-email club.
Iserion Weyr
A Sixth Pass play-by-email club.
Kahrain Weyrhold
A Ninth Interval play-by-email club, post-AIVAS.
Kalanhara Weyr
A play-by-email club.
Lakesedge Weyr
Fanfiction and pbem set in the 11th pass, where thread continues to fall on Pern and hostilities continue to smoulder between North and South.
Landing Weyr
A Ninth Interval fanzine and play-by-email club, with live role play, post-AIVAS.
Lunan Weyr
A Fifth Pass play-by-email club.
Makala Weyr
A Tenth Pass fanzine club.
Meziron and Takakahl Weyrs
A Fifth Pass play-by-email club.
Monaco Bay Weyr, 7th Pass
A Seventh Pass fanzine club.
MoonSet Weyr
A Twelfth Pass fanzine club with live role play.
Morlevan Weyr
A Sixth Interval play-by-email club.
New Hope Weyr
An Eleventh Interval fanzine Weyr.
North Ranges Weyr
A Fifth Pass play-by-email club.
Outcast Weyr
A Tenth Pass play-by-email club, post-AIVAS.
Raek Weyr
Raek Weyr is set in the dangerous mountains of the north.
River Cliffs Weyr
A Ninth Pass play-by-email club, non-AIVAS.
Rocky Crater Weyr
A Tenth Pass play-by-email club, post-AIVAS.
SeaCove Weyr
A Thirteenth Pass play-by-email club, non-AIVAS.
Semling Weyr
A Tenth Pass play-by-email club, non-AIVAS.
Silver Dust Weyr
A pre-Sixth Pass play-by-email club.
Siran Weyr
A Seventh Pass fanzine club.
Storm Fires Weyr
A Ninth Pass play-by-email club.
Sunlight Veil Weyr
A Fifth Pass play-by-email club.
Tanora Weyr
A Seventh Pass play-by-email club.
The Ridges of Pern
A Tenth Pass play-by-email club, non-AIVAS.
Theran Weyr
A Tenth Pass fanzine and play-by-email club.
Triad Weyrs
A Tenth Pass play-by-email club, post-AIVAS.
Waterfall Weyr
A Sixth Pass play-by-email club.