english deutsch
Daniels, Karen
Author Karen Daniels' Official Web Site
David, Peter
David Peter (Official), David, Peter
Davidson, Avram
Avram Davidson
Day, Jonathan
Day, Jonathan
De Lint, Charles
de Lint, Charles, SFcrowsnest: Forests Of The Heart
de Pierres, Marianne
Marianne de Pierres, Nylon Angel
Denning, Troy
Author Troy Denning Interviewed
Diane Duane and Peter Morwood
Duane, Diane, Young Wizards
Dick, Philip K
Philip K Dick: An Essay In This Universe, PK Dick Books
Dickson, Gordon R.
Allscifi Gordon Dickson Spotlight, Gordon R. Dickson
Disch, Thomas M.
Schroedinger's Cake
Dix, Shane
Orphans Of Earth
Doctorow, Cory
A Place So Foreign And Eight More, Down And Out In The Magic Kingdom
Doyle, Debra and MacDonald, James D.
Doyle, Debra and Macdonald, James D. : Madhouse Ma
Dozois, Gardner
Mammoth Book Of Best New SF 15, The Mammoth Book Of Best New SF # 16, The Year's Best Science Fiction 2003
Drake, David
Baen Books: David Drake, David Drake's Official Homepage, Hammer's Slammers Homepage, Review: Lord of the Isles, Review: Lord of the Isles, Review: Patriots, Review: Queen of Demons, Review: With the Lightnings, Review: With the Lightnings
Duncan, Dave
Dave Duncan Online, Duncan, Dave
Dunn, Linda
Linda Dunn's Home Page
Dyson, George
The Atomic Spaceship
Daniel, Cheryl
Author of the self-published novel, Catch a Falling Star(Roswell incident).
Dohn, Ava D.
Small-press author of Heaven's War: When Generals Cry.
Donaghe, Ronald L.
Author of the small-press fantasy novel Cinatis. Site includes a sample chapter.