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Allscifi Ben Bova Spotlight
Structured reviews of Ben Bova novels.
Chicago in 2000 - Ben Bova Card
A "Trading Card" with the author's picture and personal information.
Chicon 2000: Interview
Ben Bova is author guest of honor for Chicon 2000. Interview from their guest of honor page.
Chronicles-network: Ben Bova
Bibliography of the science fiction writer Ben Bova.
Interview with Ben Bova on scientific breakthroughs.
Linköping Science Fiction Archive
Reviews archived from UseNet.
Review of Mars by Ben Bova.
Official Ben Bova site
Website dedicated to the author and his works; includes biographical information, news, scheduled public appearances and excerpts from Bova's books.
Review of the SF novel Saturn by Ben Bova.
Chat session, mostly about the novel "Return to Mars."
Two Moons
Lots of small book reviews.