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Allscifi Greg Bear Spotlight
A detailed analysis of the plot, setting, characters, theme, and structure of his greatest novels, and lists of other books with similar writing styles.
Do Bears Write in the Woods?
An interview with Greg Bear about some of the ideas contained in his SF novel, Darwin's Children.
Review of Bear's novel 'Eon', by Lucy A.E. Ward.
Foundation and Chaos
A review of the author's 1998 novel written in Isaac Asimov's Foundation universe.
Greg Bear
The author's official website. News, cover art, artwork by the author, bibliography, articles and commentaries by the author, interviews, and biography.
Greg Bear Book Reviews from Usenet
Reviews of some of the author's books, collected from Usenet. From the Swedish Linköping S.F. Archives.
Greg Bear Fan Page
Fan-maintained website. Includes bibliography and reviews of the author's novels and short stories.
Greg Bear: July 23, 1997
Transcript of a 1997 Dominion Online Chat with the author, from SCIFI.com.
Reviews of a number of Bear novels.
The Collected Stories Of Greg Bear
Review of TOR's 2003 collection of Bear's shorts.
The Opener of the Way
A May 2000 Infinity Plus interview with the author, conducted by Nick Gevers.
The Science of Eon
Site dedicated to the science behind the author's book Eon.