Review of Coalescent (Destiny's Children Book One) by Stephen Baxter.
Infinity Plus: Stephen Baxter
Infinity Plus's profile of Stephen Baxter containing a biography and bibliography.
Manifold: Cyberspace
Biography, bibliography, links, and news about British SF author Stephen Baxter. Evolution
Review of the novel Evolution by Stephen Baxter. Reality Dust
Book review of Reality Dust by Stephen Baxter.
Stephen Baxter Book Reviews from Usenet
Reviews of several of the author's books, collected from Usenet. From the Swedish Linköping S.F. Archives.
The Baxterium
"An online resource dedicated to award-winning British science fiction author Stephen Baxter". Biography, bibliography, an interview, sample fiction, an article by the author, and links.
The Manifold
An online resource devoted to Stephen Baxter, the UK's finest author.