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All About Romance: The All About Romance Web Ring
Contains details about how to join as well as how to link to the ring.
Author Ring
Webring for published authors of paying, booklength fiction and non-fiction only.
Romance Novels, books, fiction, series, Brenda Joyce, mystery, suspense. Reading, bookworm, love.
Gothic Romance Web Ring
Contains information on submitting a website, and true love story submission. Note: Adult language.
Regency Ring
A web ring of Regency and Georgian sites including historical and regency novellists. Providing historical reference material for those interested in the period. As an added feature we publish a monthly e-letter of events, site updates and new novels published.
Rising Stars of Erotic Romance Ring
THis ring contains some of the rising stars in romantica fiction.
Romance Novels Reading Ring
Romance authors link together pages for current or upcoming releases.
Romance Readers, Writers, & Reviewers
Provides information on joining and adding one's site. Membership is open to romance authors, publishers, bookstores, and fans.
Romance Reading Ring
Contains information on joining for homepages and websites that specifically deal with romance novels.
SFFP Romance Webring
Where all the great romantic science fiction, fantasy, and paranormal sites are gathered.
Ultimate Romance Ring
A webring for all romance sites. Also welcomes trade sites.