A Regency Repository
Information about the arts, industry, literature, fashion, politics, landscaping, and romance during the period.
Belle Letters
Newsletter of the Society of London Ladies. Includes previously published articles and related links.
Eighteenth-Century Resources
Master index of eighteenth-century resources on the Web.
Food and Drink in Regency England
Historical background and recipes on a variety of dishes and beverages customary during the period.
Georgette Heyer Home Page
Georgette Heyer -- creator of the Regency Romance genre. This site is dedicated to the author, with extracts from her books, information about related topics and interesting tidbits culled from the novels.
The Regency Fashion Page
Comprehensive resource covering the period between 1790 and 1829. Fashion plates, links, reference books, Regency era portraitists, and clothing images at museums.
The Regency Garderobe
Researching and reproducing the fashions of Regency England - tips on patterns, fashion plates, and advice on making a Regency dress.
The Regency Library
Regency Library provides reference and resource materials regarding the Regency Era. There are subscriber and public areas, links to other sites and books.
The Regency Lovers' Cafe
A resource center for Regency lovers' chothes, writers, and paperdolls.