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Time Travel
Deb Stover's Thoughts on Time Travel, Enchanted Journeys Beyond the Imagination, Tales of Time Travel, The Romance Book Time Travel Romances, Time Travel, Time Travel Romance Writers:, Tips on Writing The Time-Travel Romance, We Really Dig's Time Travel Books, Writing Time Travel Romances
Category Paranormal Romance List
Silhouette Shadows list.
Elizabeth's Book Collections and More
A look at paranormal, vampire, and series romances. Also contains a John D'Salvo tribute.
Fantasy Romance Writers:
The Leader in Fantasy and Science Fiction Romance.
The World of Fantasy and Futuristic Romances.
Lions and Tigers and Werewolves, Oh My!?
Writing the Paranormal Romance by Becci Clayton.
Magical Romance Website
A paranormal romance reading resource site.
Mystic Visions
Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal Romances
New Age Bookshelf
Romancing Readers into the new-age!
Now & Then
Time Travel & Paranormal pages and links.
Paranormal Romance
The Bastard Child of SF/Fantasy and Romance By Chris Ely
Paranormal Romance
Reviews of paranormal romance books.
Paranormal Romance
Includes vampires, shapeshifters, mystical, time travelers and science fiction. Reviews, links and the monthly paraphernalia.
Paranormal Romance
Secrets of the Female Fantastic by Lee McClain.
Paranormal Romance - romance with a twist - Suite1
Paranormal romance includes ghost, witches, time travel, and even shapeshifters. Learn more about this popular subgenre.
Paranormal Romance Writers
Features authors, articles, and reviews.
Romantic Ghosts and Gothics
The Reader' s Corner: Love in another World Fantasy/Romance.
Romantic SF & Fantasy Novels
Reader resource (reviews, interviews, forthcoming titles, author links, discussion board) on sf, fantasy, and horror novels with strong romance genre appeal.
Welcome to Romance Books
Paranormal romance books, Christine Feehan, Dara Joy, Laurell Hamilton, Susan Krinard, and Shannon Drake. Includes images, readups, and links to authors' sites.
Yahoo! Groups : paranormalromance
This list is dedicated to discussing speculative romantic fiction, including time-travel, paranormal, shape-shifter, fantasy, and futuristic.