Amber as created by Roger Zelazny, Amber Timeline, Amber Trumps and Etymology, Golden Circle webring, Joran's Science Fiction Page [Amber], Nine Princes of Amber, R. Zelazny's Amber Dictionary, Review of "Roger Zelazny's The Dawn Of A, Roger Zelazny, The Great Book of Amber, Samuel -- Amber Home
Lord of Light
Danny Yee's Book Reviews: Lord of Light, Lord of Light by Roger Zelazny, Lord of Light by Roger Zelazny, Roger Zelazny's Lord of Light, SF Site Review: Lord of Light
A short story from 1967.
"Spinning the Day Through My Head"
A short, profound poem.
"The Man Who Loved the Faioli"
A short story from 1967.
"To Spin is Miracle Cat"
A poem concerning, on one level, cats and cars.
Damnation Alley
Review of the post-nuclear war thriller Damnation Alley by Roger Zelazny.
Newt Humor: Zelazny's Agnostic's Prayer
Famous paragraph from "Creatures of Light and Darkness."
Review of A Roger Zelazny Omnibus
Green Man review of this edition comprising Four For Tomorrow, The Last Defender of Camelot, Unicorn Variations and Frost and Fire in one volume.
Roger Zelazny
A page with a bibliography sorted by series together with links to related websites.
Roger Zelazny, A Night In The Lonesome October
Green Man review of the last non-collaborative novel written by this author.
SF Site Review: Donnerjack
Review of this novel, published after the author's death and written in collaboration with Jane Lindskold.
SF Site Review: Lord Demon
A review of this posthumously published work, the sequel to Donnerjack, completed by co-author Jane Lindskold.
SF Site Review: This Immortal
Review of one of the author's recently reprinted novels.