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Arkenstone & Valar
A story set in J. R. R. Tolkein's 'Middle Earth', telling the story of the 'Fourth Age': some time after the events in 'Lord of the Rings'.
Arwen Evenstar
About the character Arwen Evenstar.
By the Blood of Gondor
Fan fiction archive of the LOTR characters.
Cirdan's Havens
Fanfiction. Information about Silmarillion, Unfinished Tales, History of Middle-earth, and Lord of the Rings.
Elven-based fan fiction based on Lord of the Rings.
Elven Country
Fan site dedicated to J.R.R Tolken's Elves with an archive for fan fiction. Also bios. on Tolken's elves and a gallery.
Espresso Recommendations
Reviews of LoTR fan fiction (includes some other SFF works).
FanDomination.Net: Lord of the Rings
Lord of the Rings fan fiction archive. Archive contains gen, het. and slash.
Henneth Annun Story Archive
Archive of fan fiction based around the creative universe of J.R.R. Tolkien. Postings are moderated.
In a Green Shade
Tiriel's Frodo and Sam-based stories.
Ithilwen's Silmarillion Fanfiction Page
Tolkien fan fiction, primarily based on the Silmarillion and the history of Middle Earth. Site includes links to other Tolkien resources.
Light In Dark Places
Lord of the Rings fan fiction by Aratlithiel.
Fan fiction and art based around Tolkien's works.
List of Beta Readers for LOTR Fan Fiction
Reader listings are categorised into male/male, female/female, het, and gen.
Lord of the Rings Beta Readers Index
A list of people willing to proofread and edit stories of all types.
Lord of The Rings Fan Fiction
A place for LotR and actor related fiction.
LOTR Fanfiction Sites
Web ring for sites featuring stories set in Middle-earth.
Memoirs Of The Shire
What-If tales set after Frodo and Sam return from their quest to destroy the One Ring.
Ring around the Merry
Fanfic in which Merry keeps Frodo captive at Crickhollow for the good of the Shire and the salvation of hobbits.
Ring of Darkness by Nick Perumov
A Russian continuation of Lord of the Rings set 300 years later.
Writing and programming workshop with a selection of works by members, and a few stories by non-members.
Tolkien fanfiction featuring elves such as Elrond, Elrohir, Elladan, Glorfindel, Celebrian and Gil-galad. Mostly cute and fluffy family stories.
LOTR short fiction written by British SFF fan Shelley White.
Shores of the Sundering Sea
Fan fiction, wallpapers, links, and forums.
Stories and rants by madgirlls, featuring the Fellowship, Mary Sue, Sauron, Lurtz, Saruman, and the Balrog.
Stories of Arda
Author-driven site of tales from Middle Earth.
Take the Road Less Traveled
Hobbit-centered fan fiction by the writer Red Autumn.
The Aniron Awards
Panel-judged awards for Aragorn/Arwen fanfiction.
The Light of Valinor
Home of Lailonniel's Lord of the Rings fan fiction.
The Mithril Awards
The Mithril Awards honour excellence in fan fiction, poetry and critical essays relating to The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, The Silmarillion and other works by JRR Tolkien.
The Tolkien Trail
Choose from humorous writing or serious writing.
The Trees Remember: The Mirkwood Fanfiction Archiv
Moderated collection of stories centered around the forest of Greenwood, including material on Legolas and Thranduil.
The Wood Between the Worlds
Fiction based on Middle-earth and its human characters.
There and Back Again: An Elvish Tale
Fan fiction from Lothlorien and Mirkwood.
Stories about elves and men, with the main focus on the King of Mirkwood, Thranduil.
Tolkien Fanfiction
Character slash stories by various authors, including Van Donovan and Bron DuWynn.
True Love
Focus is on the relationship between Eowyn and Faramir, including how they met.
Versaphile: Lord Of The Rings Recommendations
Links to a variety of types of stories that have been reviewed by the site owner.
What Couldn't Be
Stories, poems, essays and illustrations featuring the unlikely romance between Grima and Eowyn.
Winter Flowers: Stories by Elanor
Tales of Tooks, Brandybucks and other hobbits, fitted around Tolkien's original work and respectful of canon.
World Within a World
LoTR fan fiction. Mostly Legolas-based.