3D Map of Middle-Earth
Peder Langlo's representation, with significant place names marked.
Art of the Hildebrandt Brothers
The 1976, 1977 and 1978 Calendars.
Edoras Tolkien Art-Gallery
Images annotated with quotes from the original texts. Choice of English or German language version available.
Eldar.org Tolkien Art Gallery
Artists include Lee, Howe, Garland, Nasmith, and Kirk.
Fantasy art by Lucy 'Niahm' Wade, specialising in color and black-and-white images of hobbits.
Greenwillow Glass
Stained glass designs inspired by Middle Earth, especially the Elves.
Guided Tour Through Middle Earth
Birds-eye view of Middle-earth from artist Rob Aaldjik.
Helm's Deep in 3D
Project to model and animate Helm's Deep using 3D Studio Max. Model is aased on an original sketch by Tolkien.
Lake Town
Unofficial visual representation of Lake Town from The Hobbit, using ArchiCAD.
Last Homely House's Rivendell Image Gallery
Images of Rivendell.
Leonid Korablev's Tolkien Picture Gallery
Original illustrations.
Sketches of Middle-Earth
Original sketches by Philippe Lesire.
Stephen Walsh's Online Gallery
Original art illustrating the author's works.
Stuart Anderson's Images of Middle Earth
Original, computer-generated artwork.
Taylor's Printable Map of Middle Earth
Contains an A3-sized map of Middle Earth in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.
Ted Nasmith Artwork
Unofficial site offering Nasmith's paintings of Middle-earth.
Tolkien Art Net
Paintings inspired by the writings of Tolkien by Canadian artist Kim Benson.