Fan Art
3D Map of Middle-Earth, Art of the Hildebrandt Brothers, Edoras Tolkien Art-Gallery, Tolkien Art Gallery, Elfwood, Greenwillow Glass, Guided Tour Through Middle Earth, Helm's Deep in 3D, John Howe, Lake Town
Fan Fiction
Arkenstone & Valar, Arwen Evenstar, By the Blood of Gondor, Cirdan's Havens, Elpinoine, Elven Country, Espresso Recommendations, FanDomination.Net: Lord of the Rings, Henneth Annun Story Archive, In a Green Shade
Fan Music
Artists, Essays, Harps of Middle Earth, Poetic Fellowship of the Czech Tolkien Society, The Tolkien Music List, Tolkien Filk on the Web
Into The Ring
Play about two actors take on dozens of different characters who all share an obsession with J.R.R. Tolkien.
Lord of the Rings Doujinshi Reviews
Japanese fan-created Lord of the Rings comics (anime and manga style Tolkien works).
LOTR Stained Glass
Stained-glass LOTR figures by a Japanese artist.
Song of the White City
Resource looking at the people of Gondor.
The Burping Troll Inn
Home for a collection of collaborative stories of intrigue and derring-do in Tolkein's Middle Earth.
Walking Tree Publishers
Small-press publisher of Middle Earth-universe books (titles range from academic articles to light hearted fiction).