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Alberto Monteiro's Tolkien Page
Timeline of Middle-earth, a mailing list, and some links.
Alcarinque: Women of Tolkien Lore
Focus on the women of the Silmarillion and Lord of the Rings.
Alkabeth: Downfallen
Fanlisting devoted to the Silmarillion. Provides introduction, codes, affiliates, links, and information about joining.
A clique supporting the alliance among the races of Middle-earth. Features updates, membership, affiliates, codes, fan fiction, blog, and links.
Arda's Thoughtful Side
Issues relating to the modern mythology of J. R. R. Tolkien - subjects that inspired him and, in return, subjects inspired by his work.
Bag End
Fan site with a chat room, message board, gallery, newletter and Frodo's journal.
Bag End
Pictures, character information, and links.
Character information and an art gallery.
Blue Dragon Inn
Introduction to the author's life and works.
Celebwen's Tolkien Archive
Includes pictures, family trees, and articles.
Club Tolkien-Yu
LoTR Fanclub with riddles, guestbooks and bulletin board.
Dezorian's Fantasy Website
Images, movie trailer, sound files, and links.
Downfall of the Lord of the Rings and the Return o
Synopsis and time-line of Middle-earth history.
Tribute to Galadriel with writings about her life, including a timeline.
Eowyn of the Rohirrim
Homage to Tolkien's brave heroine.
Erik's Tolkien Page
Books, poems, chat, quiz, links, and information.
Finduilas's J.R.R. Tolkien Page
Essays, information and quotes from books on Middle-earth.
Firiel's Realm
Has a guestbook, Lembas recipes, music and poetry.
Frodo Rulez
Features history of the Ringbearer, fun, multimedia, screen images, and fan fiction.
Gandalf's Cave
Contains artwork and poetry.
Gandalf's Smial
Images, fonts, and essays.
Gethin: Lord of the Rings
Fan's encylopedia of Middle Earth.
Haldir Heaven
Quizzes, pictures and links.
Hobbit Web Quest
Small FAQ on Hobbits with a quiz.
Proverbs and wisdom taken from the Hobbits.
Maps, biographies, articles, and downloads.
I Nili o i Ardanole
Middle-Earth poetry. Includes resources such as how to speak Elvish and Tolkien artwork.
Immortal Lord
A site dedicated to Glorfindel of Rivendell/Gondolin.
Isildur's Lair
Featuring book covers, maps, links and some pictures.
JRR Tolkien Fan Art
Site submitting Tolkien-related fan art. Includes a forum and chat room.
Julian's Tolkien Pages
Images, biography, and graphics.
Lake Evendim
The Captial Of The Ancient Realm of Arnor. Has LOTR captions, projects, contemplation and wallpapers. Also a guide to Engrish, recording the messed up subtitles that appear on asian bootleg DVDs of the Lord of the Rings.
Large Picture Halls I Bet
Humorous parodies using phrases, themes, and characters from the book.
Leanie's Hobbit Hole
Designed for kids; also includes information on other fantasy series.
Leonhart's Lord of the Rings Website
Fan's tribute to LoTR.
Lord of the Rings
Pictures and links.
Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion
Site about the Silmarillion; the beginning of Middle Earth, the elves, men, dwarves and up to Sauron.
Lord of the Rings Appreciation Website
LoTR fan site. Has race information and forum.
Lord of the Rings in Wales
Explores the myth that Tolkein based the areas in LOTR on places in Wales.
Summaries, games, and artwork.
LOTRfanclub Scrapbook
Archives of this LOTR fan club. Creative writing, poetry, parodies and essays.
Luthien Tinuviel's Page
Personal homepage with an emphasis on Luthien.
Matt Saunder's Lord of the Rings Page
Pictures from the preview and a synopsis.
Meduseld, the Golden Hall of Brego
Includes trivia, information, news, audio files, images, and links.
Mellonath Legolas
Fan material on Legolas.
Menion's Tolkien Tribute
Original artwork, academic discussion and short creative fiction.
Middle Earth: The Great Quest
Fan information on the races, places and magical objects of Middle Earth.
Middle Earth: Where Elf Ears Matter
Middle Earth forum and history.
Mith's Tolkien Site
A Tolkien race guide.
My Hobbitat
Character biographies, images, sounds, and links.
New Devilry
Fanlisting for Balrogs, man-like demons that inhabit Middle-earth. Features codes, affiliates, members, and information on how to join.
Night Gem's Tolkien Page
Translation of Tom Bombadil poems into French, art, downloads, excerpts, and links.
Costume design and fan page. Original costumes and props with how-to details.
Dedicated to the literary force of JRR Tolkien.
QuaidXIII's Tolkien Page
Contains book previews, photos, poems from "The Hobbit," merchandise, polls, and links.
Red Book of Westmarch: Tolkien Resource Center
Biography, bibliography, background information and downloads.
Ring Lord
Images, maps, quotes and links.
Rohan: The Green Fields
Includes artwork, book information and studies, and fan works.
Shire Post
Actual paper-and-ink mail with an elaborate hobbit theme.
Similarities Between Harry Potter and The Lord of
Single-page comparision between the 'Potter' books and 'The Lord of the Rings', as observed by a fan of both series.
Solarfall's Realm
Original artwork and fiction based around the hobbits Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee.
Sun-star: Elanor the Fair
Dedicated to firstborn child of Samwise Gamgee, and heir to the Red Book, which contained the account of the Ring. Provides codes, images, join, members, and character information.
Tears of Lothlorien
Fictional film bloopers based on the books,
Teo's Lord Of The Rings Compendium
Answers to questions such as what creatures live in Middle Earth?
The Flower and the Fountain
Fan site which details the relationship between Glorfindel and Ecthelion.
The Harp and Hobbit
Photos from New Zealand LotR film locations, music, artwork, criticism and link collection. All content in English.
The Hole Under The Hill
Quotes and history of Middle Earth.
The Lord of the Rings: My Story
Ericson's essay on Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and the Peter Jackson films made from it.
The Mathom House.com
Dedicated to Tolkien. Links to other sites relating to Tolkien, Middle-earth, the LoTR movies and books.
The Mirkwood Fortress
Includes a gallery, RPG chat, club, and quotes.
The Old Forest
Includes information, post cards, and a discussion board. Also available in Swedish.
The Ring
Tolkien pictures, art and maps.
The Ringwraith's Tolkien Site
Summaries, index of places, and links.
The Tolkien Meta-FAQ
A unified index to the major Tolkien FAQs and a personalized book list.
There and Back Again
Virtual 'Red Book of Westmarch' which contains character information and multimedia. [Flash 5 Required]
Dedicated to Luthien Tinuviel, the elven princess who became mortal to save Beren. Provides news, an editorial, archives, humor, guest book, and a forum.
News on the forthcoming films, the books, art and links.
Tolkien Entmoot
Fan site with discussion board, articles and links.
Tolkien Fantasy Web
Content on the books, an art gallery, and a guide on how to write Sindarin.
Tolkien Gateway
Information about the movies, books, languages, music, as well as downloads and community forums.
Tolkien's Guild
Forum, maps, fonts, images, and links.
Tolkien's Haven
Encyclopedia, quizzes, quotations, gallery, biography, Sindarin introduction, and a poll.
Tolkien's Tavern
Describes the author's life and works.
Tolkien'S World
Biography, summaries and reviews.
A Tolkien fansite.
Includes a biography, sounds, and book information.
Twin Stars of Imladris
Tribute to Elladan and Elrohir, the twin sons of Elrond. Features a biography, genealogy, art, and fan fiction.
Unofficial Lord of the Rings Fan Club
Free LoTR fan club that people can join.
Unverse: Tolkien
Facts about the author, his work and the movies. Includes summaries of the races and characters of Middle-earth.
Zimrahil Passion
Site dedicated to the wife of the Steward Denethor II and mother of Boromir and Faramir.