Salvatore, Robert A.
City of the Drow, Dark Elf's Realm, Drizzt Spirit, Icewind Dale, Jonas Books: RA Salvatore, Lavender Eyes, R.A., The Realm of Armana, The Salvatore Home Page
Stanek, Robert
Biographies, Chats and Forums, Directories, Fan Pages, For Kids & Teens, Organizations, ALA Authors @ Your Library Calendar of Events, Books for Adults, Children, Teens, Project Ruin Mist, Reagent Press, Robert Stanek BLOG, Robert Stanek Books at BookCrossing, Robert Stanek Message Board, Robert Stanek Newsletter, - The Official Web Site of Robert, Ruin Mist Gear Gifts and Collectibles
Solly, Laura
E-book author of The Crystal Concept, Rooftops and Thirty-One Trees. Site contains sample chapters of her work.