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Rabe, Jean
Book 'n' Bytes - Jean Rabe, Jean Rabe
Radthorne, Kevin
Kevin Radthorne and "The Road To Kotaishi&quo
Rankin, Robert
SFcrowsnest.com: Rankin, Robert, The Witches Of Chiswick
Rann, Sue
Looking For Mr Nobody
Rawn, Melanie
EXILES: The Official Melanie Rawn Website, Melanie Rawn's Page, My Melanie Rawn Page, Review of "Dragon Prince", Tara's Melanie Rawn Page, The Ruins of Ambrai
Reaves, Michael
Michael Reaves' Home Page, Michael Reaves: An Interview with a Screenwriter
Reimann, Katya
Katya Reimann
Resnick, Laura
The Destroyer Goddess
Roberson, Jennifer
Roberson, Jennifer
Roberts, Colin
Colin Roberts
Rodriguez, Michael
Rodriguez, Michael
Rosenberg, Joel
Joel Rosenberg short story listings, Joel Rosenberg Unofficial Fan Site, Joel Rosenberg's homepage
Russell, Mary Doria
SFcrowsnest.com: The Sparrow
Russell, Sean
SFcrowsnest.com: The Isle Of Battle, War (Book 1)
Rydill, Jessica
The Glass Mountain
Randall, Victoria
Victoria Randall's novel The Ring of the Dark Elves (the tale of the Norse hero Sigurd Fafnirsbane). Self-published through iUniverse.
Rath, Thomas
Small-press author of Hand of Fire, Book 1 of The Master of the Tane. Book summary and excerpt.
Reichert, Mickey Zucker
Official web site of this author, the creator of the Bifrost guardians series. News, fantasy worlds.
Richdale, Ross
Official site for small-press and e-book fantasy author of Arising Magic, Ross Richdale.
Rossano, Rachel
Author of The Crown of Anavrea, self-published via PublishAmerica.
Royer, Dennis
Small-press author of Stranger. Site includes news of current projects, book excerpts, and answers to questions from readers about writing and getting published.
The Bifrost Guardians
A review that concentrates on the last two novels of Reichert's fantasy series.