Alanna's Realm of Tortallan Fantasy, Corus, Corus Knight School, Land of Tortall, Mother of the Moon, Realm of Tortall, SpyGlass, A Tamora Pierce RPG, Within Winding Circle
Blue Lagoon
Includes information, gallery, fan fiction, and writing guides.
Butterfly Kizzes
Tamora Pierce fan site with fanfic, chat room and message board.
Les's Tamora Pierce Page
Fan site with fanfic, character pages and information.
Realm of the Lioness
Alanna, the Lioness Quartet, Tortallan books.
Sandy's Fantasy Realm
Fan fiction, Round Robin works, quotes, message board, and a writers' guild.
Shrine to Tamora Pierce
Has RPG, quotes, debates, fanfic and fanart.
Tamora Pierce Official Site
News, summaries, bibliography, biography, FAQs, and book recommendations.
The Pagemaster's Realm
Includes series introductions, library and fan fiction, links, fantasy quiz, and message board.
The Purple Realm
Tamora Pierce fansite. Summaries and release dates.
The Realm of Fantasy
TP fan site with fanfic, fan art and a weekly newsletter.
The Rider Barracks Club
Includes a message board, "pony pairing," and updates on recent and future releases.
The Steelsings Tamora Pierce Page
Community with reviews, maps, an encyclopedia, fan fiction, chat rooms, role playing and a message board.
The Tortallan Palace
RPG where Tamora Pierce fans over can train to be Knights of the realm of Tortall.
Wildofre's Realm
Fan fiction, Tortallan humor, tests, and information on the books.