Aaryna's Guide to Robert Jordan's Wheel
Features an introduction to the series, a list of IRC channels, and links to webmaster resources.
Bill's Repository of Robert Jordan Fandom
Description of the "Great Hoax," a joke from one of the Robert Jordan newsgroups.
A roleplaying and community site, also host to various Wheel of Time artists and collectible card game resources.
Fal Dara Keep
A page based on the WhiteTower.org.uk web community.
Jay's Robert Jordan Page
Contains plot summaries and some collected writings.
Liandra Sedai's Fantasy & Wheel of Time s
General book information and fantasy writing.
Moiraine's World
Focus on Moiraine Sedai, featuring art, theories, fan fiction and forums.
Qirien Sedai's Wheel of Time Page
Information about the books, comparison of Old Tongue and modern language words, a survey to rename Randland and list of art sites.
Rants from a Crazed Aiel
Humor column about the Wheel of Time as seen through the eyes of a cynical Aielman.
Sandman's Wheel of Time page
Fan site dedicated to Robert Jordan's 'Wheel of Time' fantasy saga.
Shadar'dore an Souvra's Wheel of Time De
Links and cartoon images of regulars from the Theoryland website.
Some More Robert Jordan Fandom
Karl Johan-Noren's page in Swedish and English, with introduction to the series, resources, and essay on Norse mythology parallels in The Wheel of Time.
Tales of Cor Dazar
Short fictional pieces based on the Wheel of Time series, from the WhiteTower.org.uk fan community.
The Eye of The World - Denver SF Book Club
Information about book one of The Wheel of Time series. Cover art, short summary, character list, ratings, and a Jordan bibliography.
The Official Nynaeve al' Meara Fan Club
Has fan art, fan fiction, a theory, a chronology, and a forum.
The Portal Stone
Community site with book annotation resources, also known as Pages of Prophecy.
The Shadowspawn Profile
Letters and journal writings of a suspicious reader who became a fan.
The Wheel of Neil
Information and forum on the Wheel of Time, particularly the Shadow.
The Wheel of Time Compendium
A collection of summaries of all the books in the Wheel of Time series.
The White Ajah Headquarters
The home of the White Ajah, in affiliation with the White Tower. This site contains general information and theories about the world of the Wheel of Time.
The White Tower Slash Archive
Dedicated to exploring the relationships between the Aes Sedai inside the White Tower. Slash.
Theoryland of the Wheel of Time
Community based on discussing plot theories.
Turnings of the Wheel
Theories, discussion, and information on the series.
Contains news, character lists and glossary, a forum, book information and quizzes.