A Song For Nero
Review of the novel A Song For Nero by Thomas Holt.
For Two Nights Only
Review of For Two Nights Only by Tom Holt.
Little People
Book review of Little People by Tom Holt.
Orbit's Tom Holt Page
Orbit is Tom's publisher. Includes a short biography, photo, samples of his work, and a bibliography.
The Divine Comedies
Review of The Divine Comedies: Here Comes The Sun & Odds And Ends by Tom Holt.
The Portable Door
Review of the comedy fantasy novel The Portable Door by Tom Holt.
The Second Tom Holt Omnibus
Review of The Second Omnibus of Tom Holt's comedy fantasy novels.
Tom Holt
Includes biography, bibliography, reviews, quotes, short stories, sneak previews of forthcoming books.
Tom Holt FAQ
Alt.Books.Tom-Holt frequently asked questions: Why are some books copyrighted to Kim Holt? Why are so many characters called Jane? And other questions. Includes a biography, bibliography, and contact information.
Tom Holt Interviewed
Author Tom Holt interviewed on his old life as a lawyer, choosing the right words, and why the Roman Emperor Nero may not have been such a bad egg after all.