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Chronicles-network: Stephen Donaldson
Bibliography of Stephen Donaldson and links to reviews of his novels.
Doug's Library -- Stephen Donaldson
Extrensive review and plot synopsis of the Unebeliever series, bibliography, and short reviews of the author's other works.
Kevin's Watch
Introduction, forum, links, and book cover scans.
Lord Foul's Bane
Thomas Covenant fan site.
Reviews By Gavrielle
Critiques of Donaldson's Gap series and mystery novels.
Stephen Donaldson Collection
Includes brief biography, description of the collection housed in the Kent State University Libraries, and a letter from the author.
Stephen R. Donaldson
Official site. Includes short biography, work, and reviews.
Stephen R. Donaldson - Bibliography Summary
Complete bibliography of the author's works.
Stephen R. Donaldson - Wikipedia
Include major influences, plot synopsis of the Thomas Covenant books, and bibliography of the author's other works.
Stephen R. Donaldson Links
Links and information about the author's upcoming novel.
The Gap
Review of the Gap series of books by Donaldson.
The Land
A tribute "Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever" with articles, novel summaries, maps, and a glossary of terms.