Barclay, James
James Barclay's Official Homepage, Elfsorrow, Shadowheart, The Mount of Xetesk, The Mount of Xetesk, The Raven Gazetteer
Bishop, Anne
Anne Bishop's Official Website, Characters from Anne Bishop's World, Ebon Askavi, Kaeleer's Heart, UABFS: Unofficial Anne Bishop Fan Site
Blaylock, James P.
James P. Blaylock, Linköping Science Fiction Archive: James P. Blaylo, The Digging Anubis, The SF Site Featured Review: Winter Tides
Bradbury, Ray
Articles and Interviews, Allscifi Ray Bradbury Spotlight, Book Summaries: Fahrenheit 451, ClassicNotes: Fahrenheit 451, Greentown, IL, Internet Speculative Fiction DataBase: Ray Bradbur, It Came From Outer Space, Long Beach Reads One Book - Fahrenheit 451, Martian Chronicles Study Guide, Ray Bradbury, Ray Bradbury Media
Bradley, Marion Zimmer
Avalon Series, Darkover, Books 'n' Bytes, Marion Zimmer Bradley Literary Works Trust, SciFan: Marion Zimmer Bradley
Brooks, Terry
Antrax, Druids Keep, Morgawr, The King Of Shannara, Shady Side of Shannara, Terry Brooks, Terry Brooks Knowledge Project, The Caverns of Shannara, The Terry Brooks Experience, The Terry Brooks Page
Brust, Steven
Allscifi Steven Brust Spotlight, Ananke's Steven Brust Fan Page, Brust, Steven, Brust, Steven, Cowboy Feng's Space Bar And Grille, Cracks and Shards: Observations on Dragaera, Jean Brust: 1921-1997, A Tribute by the World Soci, Steven Brust on PJF
Bannerman, K
Author of the small-press slipstream work, Throwing Sticks. Site features a page of extracts from the book.
Bonawandt, Christian R.
Author of various SF&F short stories and an e-book - Dreamers - available from Stone Garden Publishing.