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All Lost in Hogwarts, Elizabeth's Virtual Hogwarts, Gaia's Harry Potter RPG, Godrics Hollow, Hidden Hogwarts, Hoggy Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts 1940, Hogwarts For Teens, Hogwarts Forum
Other Schools
Behedmonts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Doomspire Academy of the Dark Arts, Kingdom Of Magic, Kronix Academix of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Kwadleigh School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Marneons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Nadoka Academy of Magic, Phoenix Academy of the Magical Arts, Salem Institute of Magical Crafts, Scattergood School for the Magical Arts
1313 Diagon Alley
Tour to Diagon Alley and "Find Harry Potter" -game.
Ashley K. Hood Debate
Reasons for a 26 years old character to attend first year in Hogwarts.
Avada Kedavra
Harry Potter RPG exploring the conflict of good and evil at the time when the power of Lord Voldemort was reaching its height.
Butterbeer RPG Community
Takes place through the journals created by different members to role-play and interact as Harry Potter characters.
CNN money: Harry Potter Currency Converter
Converts dollars into galleons, sickles, knuts, and vice versa.
Funtrivia: Harry Potter Quizzes
Contains various quizzes to play and create.
A collection of games and puzzles, a links directory and a free email address offer.
UK based site for games, chats, discussions, and RPG features.
Ministry of Magic
RPG including chat, newsboards, and jobs section.
Skyride 3D
A 3D Quidditch game. You play as Seeker, and try to catch the Snitch. A download page and screenshots.
Veritaserum: Confessions of a Hogwarts Student
A journal based roleplay ages 15 and up based after book 5.
Virtual Harry
Tests and games that determine the character one could assume in the Harry Potter world.