Specific Texts
""kitty". sixteen, 5' 11", "(once like a spark)...", "All in green went my love riding ...", "all which isn't singing is mere talking, "between the breasts...", "Buffalo Bill's...", "enter no(silence is the blood whose flesh..., "gee i like to think of dead it means nearer , "here is little Effie's head ...", "i have found what you are like..."
E E Cummings
Includes "O sweet spontaneous..." and "since feeling is first..." and some quotes by Cummings.
Five Poems
Five poems by E.E Cummings from the May 1920 edition of "The Dial".
Poetry by E. E. Cummings
Collection of poems including "if i love You..." and "you said Is...".
Poets' Corner: E. E. Cummings - Selected Work
Includes "unto thee i..." and "i have found what you are like...".
Puella Mea
A poem and several drawings by E.E Cummings from the January 1921 edition of "The Dial".
Seven Poems
Seven poems by E.E Cummings from the January 1920 edition of "The Dial".