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A Night in Acadie, At the 'Cadian Ball, Bayou Folk, Electronic Library, Ozeme's Holiday, Regret, The Awakening, The Awakening, The Awakening and Selected Short Stories, The Awakening and Selected Short Stories
An Overview of the Life and Works of Kate Chopin
Ezine article, with biographical information and analysis of her writing.
ClassicNotes: The Awakening
Summary and analysis written by college students. Includes a biography and message board.
Edna Pontellier and Nineteenth-Century Female Char
A study of the extent to which the character in "The Awakening" marks a departure from characters in earlier American novels.
Kate Chopin Web Page
Biography, analysis, portrait of the writer and her family, and the context of romanticism.
Kate Chopin: A Re-Awakening
Companion web site to the Louisiana Public Broadcasting documentary profiling author Kate Chopin. Includes transcript, etexts and interviews.
Kate Chopin: A Woman Ahead of Her Time
Small personal site dedicated to the writer. A biography and other essays.
Louisiana Legacy: Kate Chopin
Biography and bibliography of the author.