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Allreaders: Albert Camus Spotlight, Extract From The Rebel, Gradesaver: The Stranger, The Absurd Hero, The First Man, The Minotaur, The Myth of Sisyphus, The Stranger
A Page About Albert Camus
Bibliography and links.
Albert Camus
Brief introduction featuring a biography, discussion of the major works, and mentions of his themes and style.
Albert Camus Photo Gallery
Collection of pictures of the author.
Albert Camus: A Life
Review of the biography by Olivier Todd.
Bohemian Link: Albert Camus
Timeline and directory of links, including online texts and reviews, biographic and bibliographic sites, and regarding existentialism.
Camus Studies Association
Brief outline of the CSA's goals. Membership form available. In both French and English.
Critical Interpretation Homepage: Albert Camus
Includes a selection of essays by the author himself and a short biography, as well as criticism.
Cyber Nation: Albert Camus
Collection of unreferenced quotations organized by subject.
Electric Library: Albert Camus
European Graduate School: Albert Camus
Biography and bibliography.
Existentialists: Albert Camus
Fan site with biography, review of his major works, quotes, links and bibliography.
Grave of Albert Camus
Black and white photograph of Camus and his burial place in Lourmarin Cemetery, France.
Hemingway and Camus
Essay discussing the similarities between the two writers, focusing on A Farewell to Arms and The Outsider.
Insight Magazine: Difficult Choices for France&apo
By Roger Kaplan (author of Albert Camus' Existentialism And Its Conflict With His Moral Beliefs).
MVS Albert Camus
Animated cartoon inspired by The Myth of Sisyphus.
Notebook on Albert Camus
Collection of miscellaneous links.
Solitaire et Solidaire
Interview with Catherine Camus about her father's book The First Man. By Russell Wilkinson. At Spike magazine.
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1957
Includes biography, transcripts of the prize presentation and Camus' acceptance speech, and links to related sites.
The Realm of Existentialism
Katharena Eiermann's tribute. Includes biography, essays, articles, photo, quotes and links.
Today in Literature: Albert Camus
Biographical stories about Camus's life and works, including "The Outsider" and "The First Man." Requires free registration to read full articles.