Fantastika 2001
2001 national convention in Stockholm. Many pages in English.
Fantastika 2003
Held in Stockholm. General information on the programming, guests of honor, and "practicalities".
Held 5-7 September 2003, Stockholm, at the centrally located pub Tre Backar. Program and pictures.
Sigma Terra Corps
Science fiction club in Nacka/Saltsjöbaden, a suburb of Stockholm. Includes an art gallery, filk songs, and an image gallery.
Swecon 2003
National convention, held in Uppsala, 15-17 August 2003. General description and parts of the program in English.
The Alvar Appeltofft Memorial Foundation
Runs fandom award "for extensive and important idealistic work of lasting worth to Swedish science fiction fandom". One page in English.
Upsala Science fiction-sällskap
Science Fiction club located in Upsala. Monthly meetings, annual convention, E-mailing list. [Mostly in Swedish]