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Cafe de Minuit
List of vampire fiction, clubs and music.
Dark Fear
Sites organized by content, top 100, and search available.
International Vampire - Amsterdam
A number of pages dedicated to vampires and the mystery of the undead.
Melinda Hayes' Vampire Resource Page
Bibliography, literature links, journals, artwork and vampires in movies, television, literature and music.
Queer Vampires
A sanguinary feast for gays, lesbians, bisexuals and the transgendered. Learn about queer movies, books and sites, read stories, see pictures or talk with others.
Network and directory of individuals, social organizations and businesses.
Sultry Night
Books, music, travel, cafe de minuit, nightclubs.
The Sultry Night
Books, cafe, clubs, movies, and music.
Vampyre Exchange and Information Network
Organizations which cater for a variety of interests, locations and sources of "paraphernalia" and listings of events which is regularly updated.
Vampyres - The House of Wisdom
Variety of information including types of vampire, relation to cats, Nosferatu, guide to vampirism, humor and links.