Arts and Entertainment
Animation, Television, Theater, David Reed Vampire Study Center, Dracula's Ball, Famous Mormon Vampires, Vampyre Queen of the Week
Personal Pages
AngelClaud's World, Armond's Haven, At Dawn They Sleep - Sairwas's Vampyre and Go, Blackey's Page of Vampires, Bloody Raven, Book of the Dead, Brider - Vampire Hunter, Castle of Darkness, Castle X, Chylder's Lair
Directories, Mythology, Simply Dark Vampire Connexion,, Vampire Research Society, Vampires Among Us
Web Rings
Circle of Horror, Darklands, Shrouded in Darkness, The Elegantly Gothic Webring, The Official Vampire Court Webring, Vampire Court, Vampyres: The Ring, Web of Darkness
Lair of the SheBitch
Forum, erotica, stories, films and music, artwork, links, gallery, downloads and poetry.
Tabula Rasa - Vampire Mythos
Article looking at the myth of the vampire, including its history and how it has been presented by David Carroll.
Vampire Legacy Society
Dedicated to researching and recording the vampire legend, past and present, fact and fiction. Features a variety of interaction.
Vampyre Resources
Vampire and gothic resources, postcards, moon phases, Edgar A. Poe writings, Druid and Pagan information, online tarot readings and vampyre subculture.
Vampyres Only
Variety of vampire information including FAQs, forums, collaborative stories, books and films.