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Arrowsmith Potters Guild
Located in Parksville, B.C. Provides membership information, member listing, gallery hours and upcoming events. Describes workshops, courses and services (use of kilns, and wheels,) offered.
Canadian Pottery
Includes collectible Canadian pottery, articles about Canadian pottery and some works that are available for purchase.
Fusion: The Ontario Clay and Glass Association
A not-for-profit organization for the industry, makers and collectors of handmade clay and glass. Includes membership details, organization profile, a gallery, information on classes, events calendar and contacts.
Potters Guild of BC
A not-for-profit society dedicated to fostering excellence in ceramics. Includes general information, details of newsletter and memberships, a gallery of works and related links.
Potters' Guild of Hamilton and Region
Information about the guild's history, mandate, location and how to join. Includes a gallery of member works and schedule of pottery sales.