english deutsch
Comic Box: Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind
Miyazaki interview, analysis of Nausicaä's world, retrospectives of complete series, and an essay on English translation of the comic.
EX: Review: Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind
Review of the manga with images and buying information.
Nausicaa material in "Natural Wonders"
College course lecture on the manga as literature. Includes an introduction to manga, analysis of Nausicaa, comparison between the manga and anime, and a coda tying in Miyazaki's music video On Your Mark.
Nausicaa.net: Kaze no Tani no Naushika
Story summary, information on various published versions, cover scans, comparison between the original Animage version and the final version of the manga, related media, and interviews.
The Valley of Wind
Synopsis, characters, geography, cover gallery, articles, and links.