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Study Guides, Aeneas' Story, Latin Poetry - Virgil, Literature Network: The Aeneid by Virgil, The Aeneid, The Aeneid, The Internet Classics Archive: The Aeneid by Virgi
About.com: Vergil and the Classical Tradition
Information on Vergil and his lasting influence on literature, with links to other Vergil essays and resources.
Bartleby.com: Vergil
Short biography of the Latin literary giant and text of the Aeneid from the 1909 Collier translation.
The Bucolics and Eclogues
Plain text file at Project Gutenberg.
The Georgics
In plain text, or as a zip file, from Project Gutenberg.
Vergil's Home Page
Links to Vergil sources of all sorts from the Classics Department of the University of Pennsylvania.
Virgil Books Online
Includes "The Bucolics and Ecloges", "The Aeneid", and "The Georgics".
Virgil's Page
Includes an excerpt from the Georgics and from the Aeneid, the latter heavily annotated.
Online search of Vergil's Latin works. Links to translations, bibliography, and books.
Virgil: Eclogues, Georgics, Aeneid
English translations, downloadable by book or as a whole, by A.S. Kline.