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About Picasso
Biography and gallery of paintings by Pablo Picasso.
Absolutearts.com - Picasso, Pablo
Biography, pictures, guide to museum collections, news articles and in-depth information.
Aesthetic Realism - Power and Tenderness by Chaim
In the philosophy of Aesthetic Realism, Eli Siegel defined beauty for the first time and showed: "All beauty is a making one of opposites, and the making one of opposites is what we are going after in ourselves." Power and tenderness are two of those opposites.
Aesthetic Realism and Picasso's Guernica: for
Dorothy Koppelman article about one of artist's most famous works.
Features Picasso's paintings and drawings classified by subject.
Artchive - Pablo Picasso
Extensive image collection.
Artfacts.Net - Pablo Picasso
Featuring a brief biography and exhibitions of the artist in museums and art galleries.
Artwallpapers - Picasso, Pablo
Artist's biography and thumbnail images of his works.
Atlantic Monthly - Portraits of Picasso
Articles on the artist from the archives of the Atlantic Monthly magazine.
Bienal Internacional de Sao Paulo - Pablo Picasso
Presents several images and discusses the work and legacy of the artist.
Boston Museum of Fine Arts - Picasso: The Early Ye
Online version of an exhibit at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston in 1997.
CentaurGalleries - Pablo Picasso
Artist's biography.
Cosmopolis - Pablo Picasso Sculptures
Exhibition and catalogue at the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris.
Digital Imaging Project - Chicago Picasso
Images of the sculpture "Chicago Picasso" - the landmark of downtown Chicago.
Dominant Star - Astrocartography of Pablo Picasso
Biography of the artist, with the focus on how the planetary metaphor of the Sun was reflected in his life and work, by astrocartographer Rob Couteau.
FBI - Pablo Picasso Files
Read the 188 page file that the FBI kept on the artist and his activities.
Island of Freedom - Pablo Picasso
Read about his life and view images of his paintings.
Matisse Picasso Research Centre
Offers a collection of works, paintings and photographs; released for an exhibition in Paris.
Mr. Picasso Head
Create your own image using Picasso elements and forward it to friends.
National Gallery of Art - Pablo Picasso
View the comprehensive collection of the catalogued images and works.
Olga's Gallery - Pablo Picasso
Collection of the images of his works with the artist's biography.
On-Line Picasso Project
Dedicated entirely to the Life and Works of the artist, including an extensive selection of his works, biographical and bibliographical references, news, and museum list.
Pablo Ruiz Y Picasso
Sample some artwork and read a biography of the Spanish artist.
Picasso Administration
Official site of Picasso Administration. Includes information of his heirs, rights to his works, biography, selected works and bibliography. In English and French.
Picasso for the Man in the Street
Criticism of the major works of the artist: Guernica, Artist before his Canvas, Seated Woman, Cubism, the Mirror, Demoiselles d'Avignon, Self-Portraits, Vollard Suite by Paul Scaman.
Washington University In St. Louis - Pablo Picasso
View the image "Glass and Bottle of Suze" of the Spanish Cubist in the Permanent Collection and read about the history of this painting.
Web.org.uk - The Picasso Conspiracy
Analysis of a 1934 drawing, which some have attributed to the artist.