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Arta Gallery Jerusalem: The Chagall Exhibit
Commercial; online sale. Serigraphs, lithographs and other pieces of art created under an agreement with The Chagall Estate, ADAGP Paris. Contains about 50 small images.
Artchive: Marc Chagall
Contains the artist's biography, list of books about his creations from Amazon, and ten selected, high quality online images. This site is a part of a larger website with tens pages dedicated to other painters
CGFA: Marc Chagall
Contains images of the artist's works. Artist's biography is also provided.
Coast Galleries - Marc Chagall Collection
Offering a brief biography and prints bearing seals from the printer.
Graphic Work of Marc Chagall
Wuyt Art is dedicated to the graphical work of the artist. The website contains many medium-sized images, mainly of lithographs, woodcuts and etchings. The images are groupped by periods.
Heart's Ease: Marc Chagall
Short biography, images of the representative works and suggested further resources.
Marc Chagall and His Paintings
Image gallery of artist's works and a short biography.
Marc Chagall at Weinstein Gallery
Information, biography, curriculum vitae, and reviews, with images of many lithographs, paintings, sketches, and original Marc Chagall works for sale.
Marc Chagall Gallery at Fine Art Site
The Fine Arts gallery offers 10 original lithographs for online sale. Ten images medium-resolution, such as 300*500, are displayed online.
Marc Chagall Paintings
Features a biography and some paintings.
MSN Learning & Research: Chagall, Marc
Includes the artist's biography and selected, related web resources.
New York Museums: Marc Chagall
Introduction and images of his paintings and lithographs.
The Worldwide Art Gallery: Marc Chagall
Biography and list of links to other online exhibitions.
Ze-Card: Marc Chagall
Free greeting cards with paintings by the artist.