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Artchive: Francis Bacon
Biography and 12 examples of Bacon's art.
Artnet: Francis Bacon
Selection of original paintings by the artist and a brief biography.
Francis Bacon
The first and most extensive site devoted to the paintings of the artist.
Francis Bacon
Selected works from an exhibition at the Gemeente Museum, Den Haag. Includes information on each painting, biographical details, and links to sites relating to the artist.
Francis Bacon Image Gallery
Collection of paintings, divided into: figures, triptychs, portraits, self portraits, new-found work. Includes biographical information and criticism.
Francis Bacon Studio
Relocated studio of the artist at the Hugh Lane Gallery in Dublin. Includes a selection of paintings, biographical information, photographs and details of the studio.
Francis Bacon Studio Documentary
Documentary style site that discusses and records the artist's studio at Reece Mews.
Queer Arts: Francis Bacon
Selection of paintings, biography, and information about the life of the artist.
Well Furlong: Francis Bacon
An appreciation of Bacon, a chronology and list of recommended books on the artist.