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Inigo Jones
A biography with references of the London-born architect who drew his inspiration from the Classical forms of Italy, from the Catholic Encyclopedia.
Inigo Jones
Britain Express provides a biography of the master builder who brought Renaissance ideas to English architecture, with discussion of his major works.
Inigo Jones (1573-1652)
Great Buildings Online provides a brief biography of the English architect who embraced the Renaissance ideas of Palladio, with images and information on the elegant Queen's House and Banqueting House.
Inigo Jones (1573-1652)
Biography from Infoplease Encyclopedia of the architect who introduced the Palladian style to England, with reference.
Inigo Jones (1573-1652)
A detailed biography and discussion from Greenwich 2000 of the founder of the English school of classical architecture, illustrated with a photograph of his elegant Queen's House, Greenwich.
RIBA Library: Inigo Jones (1573-1652)
A biography with portrait and references from the Royal Institute of British Architects.