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20th Century Architecture: Alvar Aalto
Photos and information from the Digital Archive and American Architecture.
Alvar Aalto
Full, illustrated biography, bibliography and lists of his buildings provided by the Alvar Aalto Foundation.
Alvar Aalto
Brief biography and bibliography of the modern Finnish architect in Great Buildings Online. Photographs or downloadable 3D models of some of his buildings, with dates, comments and bibliography.
Alvar Aalto
Virtual Finland offers a biography by Joe Brady, a portrait drawn by Pekka Vuori and an extract from a speech by Aalto in Real Audio, StreamWorks or WAV.
Alvar Aalto
Biography and assessment by Carl Nilsson-Polias, together with photographs of some of his works.
Alvar Aalto
A biography, photograph and pictural survey of the present state of most of his work, collected by R.Saariste, part of Agram.
Alvar Aalto 1898-1998
Photograph of and quotations from the architect, with a gallery of images of buildings and furniture he designed, with captions in English, German and French, from Welcome to Finland.
Alvar Aalto Foundation
Offers a biography, bibliography and list of the Finnish architect's buildings, as well as information on the Alto archives, museum and academy.
Alvar Aalto: A Conceptual Analysis
A study of some of the works of the Finnish architect carried out over the Internet within the postgraduate program of the Chair for Architecture and CAAD, ETH Zurich.
Alvar Aalto: An Appreciation
An illustrated article by architect Richard Weston, an expert on Finland´s great pioneer of the International Modern Movement, from Virtual Finland.
An Architecture of Identity
Analysis of the Turun Sanomat building by Angela Mazzi, published in 1993 by Architronic.
Between Humanism and Materialism
Notice of 1998 MoMA exhibition of Aalto's works. Includes illustrated timeline of Aalto's career.