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100 Years of Walt Disney
Information on Walt Disney's life, ideas, and creations, featuring a 100th birthday card to be delivered to his daughter, Diane Disney Miller.
Joe's Tribute to Walt Disney
Includes quotes, a year-by-year chronology, Walt Disney World information, and a biography of Roy Disney.
Offers comprehensive information about Walt Disney's life, ideas, and creations.
Mr. Heitman's Wonderful World of Disney
Biography of Walt Disney.
The Walt Disney Family Museum
Devoted to Walt Disney's career, featuring clips from Disney's animated and live-action films.
Walt Disney - A Biography
Includes biography, bibliography, photographs, and related links.
Walt Disney Quotes.com
Spreading Walt Disney's message of hope through his own words about creativity, work ethic, entertainment, the Disney parks, people and nature.
Walt Disney: A Biography
A short biography from the official Disney archives.
Walt Disney: When You Wish Upon A Star
Biography of the visionary Founder of the Walt Disney empire of companies.