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All-Reviews.com - Titan A.E., HARO Online - Titan A.E., PopMatters - Titan A.E., Review of Titan A.E., Zap2it.com: Titan A.E.
Allwatchers.com Titan A.E. Spotlight
Detailed analysis of the Titan AE, and links to similar movies. Sign up to be a movie scholar on the site.
Cale's World
Amateur fan site with Titan A.E. movie information and multimedia.
Filmbug - Titan A.E.
Summary, cast information, and links.
Hollywood.com -Titan A.E.
Reviews, trailers, movie guide, showtimes, soundtracks
Internet Movie Database
Cast and credits information.
Links to reviews on other sites.
Rotten Tomatoes - Titan A.E.
Reviews, summary, credits list, trailer, and links.
SciFlicks.com - Titan A.E.
Videos, sounds, pictures, quotes, freebies, links, and a forum.
Titan A.E.
Movies 8 promotional page for the Fox production, includes pictures, story, cast, and contests held at Movies 8.
Titan A.E.
A first look into this ground-breaking event named...Titan A.E.
Titan A.E. - Preview-Online.Com
In Titan A.E., legendary animator Don Bluth (An American Tail) takes animation into a whole new dimension. Not only does the film blend 2-D and 3-D; it explores what happens after the world comes to an end.
Titan A.E. and the Tragic Drej
Drej civilization, culture, art, probably surpassed humanity's. We'll never know. Here we speculate, and search for other alternatives to intergalactic racism and specism.
Titan AE: The wake angels
A collection ofpictures from the movie, screensavers, fan arts, wallpapers, and also quizzes.
Upcomingmovies.com: Titan A.E.
Preview of the film.